Forbes Diamonds 2023

We are proud to announce that we have been honoured with the prestigious Forbes Diamonds 2023 distinction.
This unique distinction is awarded to companies that demonstrate not only excellent financial results but also excellent credibility and stability in operations.

What are Forbes Diamonds?
Assessment methodology developed by Widownia Dun & Bradstreet Sp. z o. o., is based on several key criteria. Companies qualifying for Forbes Diamonds must be profitable, have high current liquidity and not be in arrears with payments. In addition, the value of equity and sales revenues must meet specific requirements, with revenues of at least PLN 5 million in the last year.

Our success
We have met these extremely stringent criteria, which proves not only the high quality of services but also the ability to maintain stable and profitable development. But that’s not all. It is worth emphasizing that we have been recognized for our unique value, which is created by internal know-how and commitment to investment and development, which contributes to long-term success. Forbes Diamonds 2023 is an exclusive group of companies that have achieved the highest standards in the field of credibility and financial results. We are proud of this achievement. We would like to thank our customers and partners for the support and trust they have given us. This is a great motivation for us to continue our mission and provide the best services.


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Dankzij onze ervaring, kwaliteit van het product en concurrerende prijzen zijn we er zeker van dat we voor u de beste oplossing zullen vinden.
